Compare &Contracsing communicating in person and technology

There are many similarities between communicating in person and using technology.One of the ways they are alike is that they are still communicating with a person.Make sure to charge your phone so that when your power goes out and you home alone so you can call someone .One other way both can show emotion by texting and calling is one day I was feeling so happy that I called and texted with emotion, and how to show emotion by texting is you can use emojis and when you are calling someone and you are talking on the they can here what you are feeling.

There are many differences when you are trying to have communicate by using technology and to communicate in person. One of the ways there different is that when you’re using technology you can see their face if you use facetime and when you are calling you can’t see their face. one time I tryed to call someone and they don’t answer so I facetimed them so I could see their face and their answer.