Happy Mother’s Day

My mom has taught me…

My mom taught me to be good at math.

My mom taught me to be nice to others.

My mom taught me to start reading at 5 years old.

My mom taught me to eat with a fork and a spoon.

My mom taught me to do my hair.

My mom taught me to panit.

The  bestest  thing my mom taught me is to care for others.

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Row Your Site

Mothers day is a day that the children give their mothers a gift.

The first Mothers day was celebrated on May 10, 1908 . Mothers day started in Europe.                                                                             Mothers day is for the kids to cook for there mother.

This information came from facts4me.com.

Young Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman is one of America’s greatest leaders of all time. To begin with Harriet Tubman was determined because she had planned to run away from slavery when she was eight years old. Also Harriet Tubman was brave. She was brave to stand up for herself. Another reason is that Harriet Tubman was a hero because she saved others. So you can see Harriet Tubman was caring because she cared for others by helping lead them to freedom.